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“Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development” project is funded by CFCU!

“Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development” is a 15-month project, financed by the Central Finance and Contracts Unit and implemented into the scope of Civil Society Support Program (CSSP) – III. The project is led by Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu (FEIO), with the partnership of Povod Institute for Culture and the Development of International Relations in Culture, Istanbul Culture and Sports Association (IKOS), Development Center for Persons with Disabilities and Their Families (EBAGEM) and Gaziantep Education and Youth Association (GEGED).

The overall objective of the project is to build mutual and sustainable cooperation between youth organizations from EU and TR through raising cohesion policy-making skills and ensuring a positive attitude towards the bilateral partners in the frame of EU – TR.

Specific objectives of the project are:

1. To raise the consciousness of the CSOs in EU and TR about mutual cooperation to build a sustainable and inclusive background and apply common European Values & United Nation SDGs
2. To raise the organizational capacity of Youth CSOs to increase the structured dialogue making process among other NGOs and Public Authorities
3. To inform the people in TR and in the EU about the mutual benefits and to raise a positive opinion about Turkey in the EU.
4. To empower youth CSOs’ methodological capacities in order to increase the efficiency of youth work
5. To increase the institutional capacity of Youth CSOs and Board Representatives’ in order to strengthen their decision-making process.

As IKOS, we would like to share our excitement to start the implementation phase with distinguished organizations!

Stay tuned for updates!